Monday, October 1, 2007

Midnight Madness

Why is it that when I am tired, my little munchkin decides to be a night owl? Last night I was POOPED. I was working on making one block of my latest project (will post on that later) and then I was going to bed. Just as the clock strikes midnight, well, maybe not actually STRIKE because they are all silent), Cailin wakes up and is crying. I go into her room and try to console her. It works for a few minutes. I put my head on her pillow and was singing quietly to her and rubbing her back. If i picked up my head, she would put it back on the pillow. After about 3 minutes of this, she decides she is done. She picks my head up and pushes me away from her bed. She starts telling me "Dooo" "Dooo". I am not sure how to translate it... it is either Don't, or Go. I haven't figured this part out yet. I tell her night night, give her a kiss and leave the room. Cailin cries hysterically. I give her about 3 minutes and when i realize she isn't going to stop, i go back in. She asks for "wawwles and duice". Okay. We go cook a waffle and i get her a cup of milk. She plays. The monkey goes into the stroller. Pooh bear pushes the stroller. She climbs into the rocker/recliner and rocks her baby. She loves on Socksybaby. The waffles are done and she begins to gnaw on one. I think she took a total of 2 bites. She drank about 1/2 of her juice. I told her that it was night night time and we were going to go back to bed. Mommy was tired. I warm the rest of her milk and take her to bed. She drank the rest of her milk and cried for a short time, but then was asleep in 5 minutes. I'm glad. Where did all this energy come from at MIDNIGHT!!!