Friday, December 28, 2007
Do I hear an Echo?
Today, I was cooking dinner and told cailin to go get daddy and tell him dinner is ready. She runs to the steps and yells "Omeyyyy, EEEAATTT"
How do you keep a straight face?
It was all I could do to not laugh. I could not however hide a smile. Anyone have a good idea how to put an end to this kind of thing?
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Chop Chop
It is now about an inch longer than my chin. It is still straight. Predominantly one length. There are some layers ONLY on the bottom, and not many of them either. I think i like it. The real test will be tomorrow when I wake and have to fix it on my own. Chris said he really likes it which means something because he normally has no opinion on matters such as how my hair is cut. Cailin isn't sure what to think. She keeps wanting me to sit on the floor so she can play with my hair in her fingers. She isn't used to it being short like this. I will take a picture tomorrow and add it so you can see.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Gentle Reminders
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Like a Kid Waiting for Santa
Monday, December 17, 2007
Still Hope
I called the lady who is going to do the quilting. She said that if I drop off my quilt tomorrow, it will take three or four days to get it quilted!! That is awesome news. That means that there is still a small chance i can get it to mom for Christmas! I am so excited!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Wow things i have Learned
I bought whole wheat flour. I am hoping to make my own bread in my bread machine and see if it is cheaper.
I learned you can substituet whole wheat for white flour for most stuff... If you are making cookies, mix 1/2 white flour, 1/2 whole wheat, otherwise, a wise source tells me that it will be rather cake like.
I'm a big girl now
Today, I was sitting curled in a ball on the couch under a blanket. She grabbed the other end and tried to cover herself up saying "mine". She stood up, walked over to where I was sitting, pulled the blanket off of me to cover herself up.
Thursday night, Chris was trying to get Cailin into some pj's while I was downstairs showing Deana something. Cailin was at the top of the steps yelling "Momma, Momma, Mommmeeeeee". I go to the bottom of the steps and look up to see her with just a diaper on. As I looked up, she squeels and says "I nay-ned momma!!!" and then ran off!!!
It snowed yesterday. This was the first snow that Cailin really remembers. She mastered the word snow rather quickly. She has told everyone who calls about the snow! Today, it got up to 40 degrees. If i was feeling better, I would have taken her out to play in the snow. It is almost melted now. She stands at the window and has the following conversation:
Cailin: Daddy, Snow... Seeeeee
Chris: I see
Cailin: Air'd Go? Air Snow?
Chris: I don't know... where did the snow go?
Cailin: Ount no... Air'd go?
Chris: You tell me
Cailin: Ohhhh Nooooo bye bye snow
Customer Service
I left there and was in tears because I had NO IDEA where I could go to get this done and still get mom’s quilt done for Christmas. I left there and went to the post office to buy a box to mail some scrubs in. I asked Tammy who works there if she knew of anywhere else to go. Winks told me there was no place else in Neosho. Tammy told me to check WXY or silhouette imaging. I went to WXY because I knew where it was. I was close to tears. I asked the lady if she knew of anywhere that I could go to get it done without taking another 2 weeks. She says “honey, hang on just a minute”, and gets on the phone.
Hey Debbie, it’s me. Do you heat transfer pictures onto shirts and stuff?
You have to use your shirts?
What if it is on a piece of material to go onto a quilt?
I have a young lady here who is having trouble with a certain competitor and has nothing but troubles. It is for a Christmas present.
I will send her your way. Thanks
What’s that?
Yeah, I have 2 black shirts. I will put them to the side for you.
Okay, thanks a bunch
She hangs up and tells me where to go. Silhouette imaging is FOUR STORES away from Winks on the square in town. Four stores is NOT VERY FAR!! They are little stores. I offered to deliver the 2 black shirts for her and she says great, thanks. I go to this new store and Debbie is at her desk. When she gets off the phone, she asks me if I was the one who was making a quilt. I give her the shirts and she laughs. She asked me if my material was 100% cotton, or if it was a polyester blend. I wasn’t sure. She asked me If I needed the entire sheet, or if she could use a corner of it to test it with a picture. She took a small square as well as one of my pictures. She scanned the picture and printed it out and then pressed it onto the material. It took about 5-8 minutes. The picture was a little dark, but she told me that she would lighten them up so they would look better when printed. She even washed my material roughly with soap and water to make sure it was going to last. She asked how many pictures I had. I told her 58. After we were in agreement that she was going to do this, I remember to ask about cost. She said it was $4.50 a press, and 1 press per sheet. She played and found she could get about 10-12 pictures per page. Winks could get 4. She told me that since I had so many pictures, she could give me a discount and give them to me for 2.50 a sheet. This is going to be significantly less than Winks, and already much better service. She told me that she was going to try to get them done by Friday, but she promised it would be Monday at the very latest. I feel so much better about this already. Now I only hope that I can get the pictures sewn on Monday after I pick them up and then on Tuesday take it to the quilters. It just depends how long it will take the quilter to see if it will be done in time for Christmas. I can only hope so!!!!
Oh, and in case you were wondering, Debbie also told me that she was curious where winks was getting their transfer paper from because it isn't hard to come by at all... she just got 4 huge loads of it in the past 3 weeks.
Germs to Share
I am so pissed. My friend had a slumber party for her little girl on Friday to celebrate her 8th birthday. She asked me if I could come over and help her, and stay for the night. Sure. No problem. I don’t mind. Deana was staying over as well. I got there later than I was planning because I was helping MIL with Grandma. I got there as the girls were winding down some. There were 8 little ones. I had Cailin with me. Steff LOVES Cailin and wanted her to stay too. Again, no problem. Around 130, we were getting the girls settled down to sleep. Melody, Deana, and I were getting tired. Around 1:45 in the morning, a little girl, who lives down the street, wakes up, and PUKES all over the place. On herself, in her hair, on her blanket, on the soft child’s fold out couch of Steff’s that she was sleeping on, on the carpet. It was a mess. Her older sister was over as well. Deana starts cleaning up the carpet while melody gets the girl in the shower to clean her off. I talk to the older sister and get her phone number and call parents. Nothing like getting a phone call at 2 in the morning from a complete stranger about your daughter being sick. While on the phone, mom tells me that the older sister was sick and puking on Thursday all day, then mom and dad were sick on Friday and the little sister (the one who puked at the party) was complaining of a tummy ache earlier that day.
This is where I got ROYALLY PISSED!!!!!!!!!! IF your kids are sick, or just getting over the flu, DO NOT send them to a slumber party where there will be lots of little girls in close quarters. You just potentially infected everyone that was in the house that night. Melody felt embarrassed when she told each of the parents in the morning that their child was exposed to the flu. I was stressing Friday whether I should go or not because I was starting with a nasty cold and didn’t want to share with anyone and make them sick… especially this close to Christmas. I can’t believe someone would be so inconsiderate to send a sick child to a party.
Today, Sunday, both Melody and myself have been in bed all day. Melody did go to the dr and they did a flu test that was positive. I am sure that is what I have as well. I will call my OB in the morning and make sure I don't have to worry about the baby being sick from it.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
We've had this conversation already!
Cailin knows what remote controls are and loves them. The one for the tree is nice for her to work because it has only 2 buttons. On and Off. Yesterday, she learned that this clicker works the lights on the tree. She would push the on button and very excitedly say "Wooooooow". Then she pushed the off button. "Air'd go momma? Air'd go ight?" (Translates to where did they go mommy? Where are the lights?". Then she would push the on buttone "Ere tis". Then she pushed the off button. "Air'd go momma? Air'd go ight?". Then she would push the on buttone "Ere tis". Then she pushed the off button. "Air'd go momma? Air'd go ight?". Then she would push the on buttone "Ere tis". Then she pushed the off button. "Air'd go momma? Air'd go ight?". Then she would push the on buttone "Ere tis". Then she pushed the off button. "Air'd go momma? Air'd go ight?". Then she would push the on buttone "Ere tis". Then she pushed the off button. "Air'd go momma? Air'd go ight?". Then she would push the on buttone "Ere tis". Then she pushed the off button. "Air'd go momma? Air'd go ight?". Then she would push the on buttone "Ere tis". Then she pushed the off button. "Air'd go momma? Air'd go ight?". Then she would push the on buttone "Ere tis". Then she pushed the off button. "Air'd go momma? Air'd go ight?". Then she would push the on buttone "Ere tis". Then she pushed the off button. "Air'd go momma? Air'd go ight?". Then she would push the on buttone "Ere tis".
And so my day went... Occasionally she stopped to let me know her baby was nay-ned, but then back to the lights.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
I'll treat this time
I am well aware that there are people who are on welfare that truly need it and are doing their best to get out of that situation. On the other hand, there are quite a few who I feel are taking advantage of the system. They say “why try to better ourselves? If we do, then we loose the free stuff that we get”. This makes me mad.
I know of a person who recently found she was pregnant. She and her husband have jobs that you see high school and college kids taking. Insurance and other benefits just aren’t offered. They chose not to have insurance. Now that they are pregnant, they have found that combined, they make too much money to qualify for medicade. Their solution: She is going to quit her job. That way their income will be low enough to qualify.
Why not try to get a better job? Why do I have to pay for the medical bills of people who don’t want to make any attempt to make it on their own? This is a perfect example of taking advantage of the government’s system. How is this fair to those of us who are working hard and paying our own bills, AND paying for insurance? How is this kind of program going to encourage anyone to better their situation? Why bother? Why work harder if I can get taken care of (insurance, food stamps, free child care) for not doing anything?
As you hear from many little kids, “It isn’t fair”… I guess now I know what my mom meant when she said, “Life isn’t fair”.
Another Cailin Quote
Apparently I have been giving her quite a bit of praise and she has picked up on it!
New Vocabulary
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Family that loves me
A husband and Daughter to make me smile
Jesus Christ
A home to keep me warm
A new baby growing in my tummy
Friends who have stayed in touch over the years and through the miles
New friends who make living far from family more bearable
An Early Christmas Present
The result: PREGNANT!!!!!
We were hoping to be pregnant by Christmas and have a September baby. I would be able to work as pool manager all summer. Cailin would be two and a half years old, and it wouldn't be the middle of the summer. We are a month early. This baby that is now transforming on a daily basis in my tummy is due to be born on August 4th. This is very neat because my mom's birthday is this day as well.
This is an awesome early Christmas present. I feel so honored that God is going to trust me with another small life to raise and nurture and to teach to love Him.
I am worried:
We have a lot of cleaning out of our house, and rearranging of items in the next nine months.
Cailin is a wonderful Child. Is she going to feel slighted when there is another child in the house?
I feel like I have no time as it is. How am I going to have enough time to put towards a new baby and still give Cailin the love and attention that she needs?
How do you stretch the love you have and make sure no one is feeling slighted, and everyone is getting LOTS of attention that they need. When I say everyone, I mean Cailin, this new baby, Chris, my pets (Socksy, Rebel and Jesse James).
I am excited and nervous at the same time. I have nine months to get used to this idea and get everything ready.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Random Pictures
Fashionably late
Here are some pictures of my adorable little bibbit!
Oops, I did it again...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Today is the day...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
My Tribute
I'm a Quitter
Friday, November 9, 2007
Ewwww... Grosss
Anxiety Sucks!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
You applied didn't you?
Got Milk?
It was all I could do to not laugh.
On a similar note, Cailin found a pile of lingerie that I have that I have not worn because it wasn't flattering, and just not something I would wear. I had it in a small pile in my room to get rid of. She decided to "dress" herself. She put her head through both legs of a black teddy, and then found a pair of my undies to put on her head. This is how she answered the door when Grandma came over.
Almost there
Bad Timing...
Sunday, November 4, 2007
How's Your Sniffer?
Saturday, November 3, 2007
South Beach Day 1
Today, I woke up and got on the scale. It says 184. Not what I want to see, but I am hoping to change that starting today. Part of why I am 4 pounds more than normal is due to that wonderful monthly cycle that just ended for this month… I always seem to gain 3-4 pounds and then gradually loose it until the following month it happens again.
It is only 3 o’clock and I have to say that this is not going to be an easy first 2 weeks. Breakfast was good, but it took significantly longer to make the Cheesy Frittata than it would to pop a frozen waffle into the toaster. Luckily, I have enough that will last for 2 more days… and that includes some for Cailin for breakfast as well. I look forward to attempting an asparagus omelet later this week. This morning I had a mozzarella cheese stick for a snack after breakfast, and I wasn’t very hungry for lunch. Breakfast was late anyway. For an afternoon snack, I had a wedge of cheese (garlic and herb flavored) on some celery. Tonight we will have marinated London broil which sounds delicious and smells good so far with the marinade. We are also going to have South beach surprise mashed “Potatoes”. It is actually cauliflower. Billie suggested it. She said that it is no where close to potatoes, but it was good. I am also going to make a salad and then for dessert, I am going to try the almond ricotta crème. That part sounds delicious.
Before I go to bed, if I can find my tape measurer I am going to measure my sizes on arms, legs, and tummy area. I would like to see numbers on the scale go down as well as inches.
My hardest challenge today was when I was making lunch for Cailin. She had peanut butter and banana sandwich. She didn’t eat it all. A lot of times, I will eat what ever she doesn’t eat, and today, it is still sitting on the table. I hate throwing it away, so I am going to offer it to her as a snack when she wakes from a nap. She also had a small MICROSCOPIC sized Hershey bar from trick-or-treating. I sooo wanted a bite of it to snack, but I passed.
I am determined to do this. As well as loosing weight, another bonus is that I will be kind of forced to fix healthier meals for dinner for Chris. I will be cooking more on a regular basis and not fast fixes like fish sticks and mac and cheese with a can of green beans on the side or Macaroni and Cheese-burger… I am going to work on real meals… sides, a lot of chicken. I am going to attempt to eat some fish. We have lots of halibut in the freezer.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
You've Been Promoted
Two days later, he came home and told me we needed to talk. I asked about what, but he wouldn't tell me until after dinner. I was terrified that he was going to tell me that he lost his job. I didn't think that there was a chance that he would... he is one of two that actually has a a BS degree. He has a few other qualifications that no one in the office has but someone needs for this area. I don't forsee him loosing his job. I tried to reassure him that even if he did, I am sure he would have NO TROUBLE at all finding another job... and even getting raise as well. He has been trying to get a raise since he has his BS, but his boss has been more pre-occupied with saving his department members' jobs instead. That is understandable, however, he could have at least told Chris.
The whole thing that Chris needed to talk to me about though was this. Dave is a manager for another division of the IT field. Dave went to Darren and got the okay ot offer a job to either Chris or Gary. Gary didn't want it because it would involve dealing with people more and he would rather deal with the machines. That leaves Chris. The job would be a IT Business Analyst. Quite a difference from IT help desk. I told chris that if he thought it would make him happy, then do it. He told me that this way, there would be room for promotions, as well as saving someone else in his department from loosing their job.
The following day, Chris goes to work and tells Dave that he is interested. Dave then goes to talk to HR, CEO, Chris's current boss among other people to get the ball rolling. HR tells dave that they have to post the job opening internally to basically cover their butt. The posting went out yesterday. The job requirements matched Chris's resume to a T. Even the specific IT degree that Chris has. The kicker to it... the job was posted on Thursday, and resume's have to be turned in no later than Monday. Dave has told Chris not to worry about this... it is just a formality that they have to go through.
Another bonus for this job position being offered to Chris... is SHOULD come with a substantial pay raise!! YAY.
I am so proud of Chris. He works hard. He puts his heart and soul into whatever he is doing, no matter if it is computer work, or reffing a soccer game, or building something here at the house. Sometimes it takes him a while to get started, or to get his plans laid out, but once they get started, he does great work. I am turely proud of him for all that he has accomplished. It is about time someone at the company recognizes all of his hard work and rewards him for it!!!!
Keep it Down
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Christmas Tree Skirt
Monday, October 15, 2007
Mind your Manners
Sunday, October 14, 2007
No Wonder!!!
Weighing Down
I bought a bike about 2 months ago and I have been riding quite a bit. I aim for 3-5 miles a day 3-4 days a week. I also have a WONDERFUL bike trailer called a GO BUG by trek. This thing is amazing and well worth the cost. I managed to get one on e-bay for $350. The model that I got retails for around $500. Not a bad deal if you want my opinion. It doubles as a jogging stroller and holds 2 kids, and all of their gear. Cailin LOVES to ride her bike. I will take a picture later of her trying it out.
Yesterday I was at a wedding shower for one of Chris's cousins. She looked amazing. She said that she has lost 30 pounds using the south beach diet. She likes it because it isn't as restrictive as a lot of other diets. It teaches moderation, and a healthy lifestyle. I think i might give it a try. One of the biggest challenges that I have though is cooking something that is healthy for us, that chris will actually eat. He is the pickiest eater i have ever met!!! He doesn't like veggies. He wont eat tri-colored pasta because the red and green ones have spinach and tomato in them. YOU CAN"T EVEN TASTE IT!!!! He isn't big on trying new things. This will be a challenge.
I am starting at 180. I will keep posted on what I am doing and trying.
You're how old?
I'm Trying
I am excited too because my sister in law might be trying as well. I think it would be great to have someone to go through it with!!
Air Go?
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Random Thought
And this is what you get when I sit in a quiet house with kids sleeping and no radio or anything to let my mind think about... I get these things popping into my head!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
No rest for the werry...
I can't wait for Monday. I feel horrible that she is hurting as bad as she is. I wish i could wiggle my nose and make her feel better. Last night i tried to sleep in the guest room with her. She didn't sleep well in a strange bed. She was waking up every hour. When she did sleep, she had her foot in my ribcage or he head on my face so i didn't sleep at all either. It was not a good night. We slept till 1130 today, had pancakes with mango for brunch and she is napping again at 130. Fussy would be an under statement.
We are supposed to go on a trip to the pumpkin patch with MOPS tomorrow, but i am not sure if i can make it... depends what time we can go to the doctor and how she is feeling in general.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Teething sucks...
Yesterday, Cailin's nap was abbreviated to say the least. She only napped for about an hour. She woke up crying, and clingy. I thought she was just tired still, but she couldn't fall back asleep. Finally around 5, i thought maybe she was sore, so i gave her some Motrin. It helped... A LOT!!! LOVE THE MOTRIN!!! She woke again at 1130. I gave her some more medicine and gave her some love. She fell back asleep pretty fast. She woke again at 1, 2:230, and 4. Today, she woke at 815 and wanted to gnaw on frozen blueberries. She ate a waffle too... but she wanted to sit in my lap with her head on my shoulder and thumb in mouth all morning. I hate that my beautiful girl hurts so much. I wish I could make her feel better. Thankfully, we only have 6 more teeth to go. 2 bottom canine teeth as well as her 2 year molars.
I guess we are lucky. I know people who say their kids always got sick or something worse when they were teething. Cailin gets fussy, but normally Motrin, Tylenol or both will fix that problem... that is her only teething issue. I am glad... but still sad that she hurts so much.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
On a roll
Just Shoot Me
When I am tired, and I mean really tired, I will get a head ache. Not one that a little Tylenol will fix either. It hurts the back of my head. I can't stand to have barrettes, or hair ties in my hair. Lights are too bright. I had one of these headaches around 9:00 Saturday night. Cailin was already asleep, and I was ready to go to sleep. It had rained, so my allergies were acting up as well. To make this wonderful headache even better, I also had a sinus headache on top of the tired headache. WONDERFUL! It was too late to take any kind of allergy medicine and still plan on sleeping that night.
The phone rings. It is the mom of a little girl that I used to babysit. I honestly think this woman is a little flaky, but that's just my non-professional, personal opinion. I can't put my finger on the exact thing, nor can I give any specific reason why I feel this person is flaky, I just do... This mom asks if I was working and if I was still babysitting and trying to start a day care. I told her that i was taking care of a little girl next door and that was about it. She asks if I am able to take care of her girl again just 2 days a week. The other days she is going to be going to pre-school. I tell her sure and then end the conversation so I can go to bed and get rid of my headache.
When I went to bed, I tossed and turned for over an hour trying to fall asleep. It just hurt so much. Since I was up with my head hurting, I was thinking about that dreaded call I just had before going to bed. What did I do? Why did I say I would do this again? I wasn't thrilled last time I did this... why try again? They left me with no notice. I felt stuck at my house because mom didn't like me going anywhere with the daughter. I couldn't even go to the library for story hour. Since I stopped taking care of the daughter, I had more freedom. Cailin and I (and sometimes her friend Natalie) have started going to a play group on Tuesday mornings. I have started going to MOPS at my church on every other Wednesday mornings. I go to lunch (with Cailin and Natalie) the 2nd Thursday of each month with the women's group at church. I enjoy this freedom. I can go be around adults. My daughter is around other kids her age and having a blast. I am not tied down to the house. Why oh why did I agree to do this again?
On Sunday, mom called again to set up days. I told her that I had commitments that I am not willing to give up. (MOPS, and Play group). I also told her that since she left me with no notice, I took another commitment with the Red Cross. I teach CPR/First Aid/AED all for layperson and for professional rescuers. I do not have a set schedule. I teach here and there when they need me. They have priority over babysitting. We agree that I will take the little girl on Thursday and Friday.
Well, Today is D-day. the girl showed up early and played quietly as my girl was still sleeping. About 30 minutes after she arrived, I asked if she would like breakfast. She tells me no. I let her know that we won't be eating till lunch time, so if she was hungry, she needed to eat now. She said no again and let me know she ate at home. I am not going to fix food when they are hungry... I am going to have a schedule, and try to stick with it... at least close to it. Anyway, 40 minutes later, Cailin wakes. I get her dressed and she eats a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. 10 minutes after we finish, the little girl lets me know that she is hungry and wants to eat breakfast. I'm sorry... breakfast time is over. I am not a short order cook... kitchen is closed.
Lunch time rolls around and she tells me she is hungry. I fox 'ole faithful' PB&J for all 3 girls. Cailin and Natalie scarf theirs down as well as each eat 1/3 of an apple. The other little girl (who is starving if you ask her) plays with her sandwich. She ate about 1/4 of it and told me she was done. She is four years old... she can eat more than 1/4 of a sandwich. She wanted to get down and play with the other 2 who had already finished eating. I made her sit and finish eating. Mom called to check and see how things were going and I shared about the breakfast 'issue'. She seemed annoyed that I didn't fix something for her daughter then and there. I did offer a snack of crackers which she passed up, so she couldn't have been too starving.
I called chris and told him that i just had a bad feeling about this in my gut and that i was sorry I agreed to take on watching this girl again. His response: I am not even sure why you said yes in the first place. I thought you were done trying that and especially with this one since you had so much trouble with them before.
WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL ME THIS BEFORE I AGREED? The only reason I said yes is because I didn't want chris to think i wasn't pulling my weight in trying to earn some $. He told me that I didn't ask his opinoin... he's right... I didn't. It's my own fault. I think after tomorrow, i am going to tell the mom that i had a meeting with the red cross and they need me a lot more than I was planning and i am not going to be able to take care of the little girl. She doesn't need to know that i am only teaching 4-5 days a week. Who knows... maybe mom will be annoyed enough at me for not feeding her kid when she demanded and just not come back!!! That would be a blessing!
Thanks... I think...
How do you handle something like this? Am I supposed to be grateful that he is 'helping'? Do I ask again about bras in the dryer? Do I remind him that it is harder to fold things when they are in a mound and I have to iron?
This is the down side of that wonderful thing called marriage. If this is truely the worst complaint that I have with my husband, than I am truely blessed! I think that I am lucky to have the husband that I do. I might complane, but in all honesty, I wouldn't trade him for a million bucks!!! He has been there for me more times than I can count... I wouldn't even trade him for a professional laundry person!!!
Monday, October 1, 2007
The worlds best Mom

This past August my mom turned 60. I have to say that she did so very gracefully. I think she is a beautiful person both in looks and in personality.
No one has to question if she is thinking something other than the words coming out of her mouth. My mom will tell you exactly what she thinks of things. I love this trait about her. I don't have to worry about her telling me that something looks nice on me because she doesn't want to hurt my feelings. If it is ugly, she tells me. A lot of times I bite my tongue for fear that I might upset someone. I need to learn to be like mom and just be honest. I think people will respect that even more.
My mom has had an amazing life so far. She might not realize it, but she has accomplished so much in the 60 years she has been around. She found my dad and got married. She was able to help build the very home that she lives in. Personally, I think that is amazing! She managed to have a successful stay-at-home business in a day care so that she could raise two wonderful (at least I think so) kids. My complete unbiased opinion is that she did a great job. I can't speak for Joe, but I know that she raised a confident daughter who is willing to look challenges in the eye and give it a fair shot. She has a daughter who wants to follow in her footsteps and have a successful daycare so she can stay home with her children. She has a daughter who wants to learn to make things (food and crafts) and to share with others... just like she did and still does. She has a daughter who lives halfway across the country and misses her dearly. She taught Joe and I to have values, to love God, to love life itself... not just our life, but any kind of life.... elderly, infants, wildlife... you name it. She taught me my colors, but also to have compassion. She tried to teach me to cook, sew and keep house (although those things are all things that I am still trying to accomplish). After raising us kids and getting us through college and married, Mom was able to work full time again at a bank and then at a daycare where she currently is. She has taken college classes and passed with flying colors even though she was stressed. She helped take care of her Mom during her final days and recently, she has taken on caring for her elderly father-in-law who was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
While her birthday was approaching, I thought long and hard of what I could do to give her an appropriate birthday present. I didn't want to give her a picture frame, or another piece of jewelry. I wanted to get her something special. It isn't every day that you turn 60 and have all of these accomplishments behind you. I asked and asked for ideas, but found nothing. Mom told me that all she wanted was for her whole family to be together. We were. Mom, Dad, Pop, Joe and Erin all came to stay at my house. It was a great time. Cailin was old enough to respond to and interact with everyone so much more. We got to go to the zoo, mom got to visit with her sister, so many fun things. We had a cookout, got family pictures, and then cake and ice cream to celebrate. I still felt bad that I didn't have any kind of material gift... then it hit me. I am going to use my 'material' and make my first ever full sized quilt, and make a memory quilt for my mom. It is going to take 28 pictures and i am trying to collect pictures from her childhood till now. I want a picture of her wedding, my wedding, Joe's wedding, Cailin, Mom and her best friend miss rose, some of her brothers and sister, some of her mom.... The hardest part is collecting the pictures. As of right now, i have everything done EXCEPT getting the pictures silk screened and onto the quilt. I have worked for a total of 65 hours on it from cutting out the material, to making the blocks, to putting blocks into strips and strips into a quilt. Here are some pictures so far....
here is the material I picked out. The teal should match the living room, the blue the dining room... the navy has both the teal and blue in it...
Here were my PILES of material that I cut out. There were a total of 870 pieces of material for this thing!!!
These are the squares to make a ribbon looking border
My 9-patch blocks... don't pay attention to the lack of straight lines.
These are the blocks that photos will go on.
A close up of a coner. The hearts will be applique'd on the corners, and photos on the large white blocks.
Here is the final produck without pictures, or being quilted.
Midnight Madness
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Getting started
Recently my whole family came to visit. not that they had a whole lot of choice in the matter. I bought Dad, Joe, and Chris tickets to the PGA championship round. Pop was able to come too. It was such a great time, but there are so many details that I think i will give that a post of it's own.
Now there is Cailin. My beautiful little girl. I can't say enough about her. Sometimes I think I say too much and I am sure that people are tired of hearing about her, but OH-WELL... If you don't want to hear, close your ears or don't come around me. She is such a HUGE part of my life and since we are home together all day every day, I have LOTS to share about her. She gets more than one post!! I have a feeling she will take up a lot of this blog, but I don't mind... do you? This little girl is truely amazing. She makes me laugh (alot), makes me cry, makes me have those tug at your heart proud moments, makes me feel so many things that I can't even put into words. To my Beautiful Cailin... I love you.