You are sitting on Daddy's lap helping him cut the grass on a riding lawn mower and you fall asleep!!!
(unfortunately, I only have an awake picture. When I saw her sleeping, I ran to get camera, but when I got back out, chris had turned off the mower and was carrying her back into the house).
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Recovery is almost worse than surgery
This week has been tough on Cailin. For the most part though, she is handling it like a trooper. Rarely complaining and mostly taking her medicine like we need to. We have hit the 5-7 days post op which are the hardest and the hospital was right, they are hard. Sunday night/Monday morning, Cailin woke around 4:30. She woke up hurting and screaming. It took both of us to get her to take some Motrin and that was a battle. Afterwards, she kept saying “rock daddy chair – mommy nurn”, over and over. Chris tried to cuddle with her and give her hugs and loving to sooth her, but she kept pushing him away. She didn’t want anything to do with Chris. I kind of felt bad for him. It took me a good hour and a half to get her calmed down and back into bed. She wasn’t all the way asleep when I went back to my bed, but she was significantly more comfortable and settled.
While I am somewhat flattered that she wanted me over daddy at night, by the time yesterday afternoon rolled around, I told Chris it was his turn and I needed a break. I was pooped. Between her being tired from the night before as well as her just being a two year old, I was going bonkers!!!! It shouldn’t take 5 attempts to get her to take some medicine that she normally likes. After she stands in the tub, slips and hits her lip on the side of the tub, she should understand why mom is telling her to sit down. I shouldn’t have to ask if she needs me to smack her bottom and she tells me yes. And then as soon as that happens, give me another attitude thing that she knows isn’t acceptable and instantly covers her mouth so she doesn’t get in trouble for that as well. She shouldn’t need a shower 10 minutes after she takes a bath because she is sticky from spitting medicine everywhere in a fit. It shouldn’t be a battle to get dressed. There are all of these “shouldn’t’s that happened yesterday. It was exhausting.
It is 1130 not and she is still sleeping. She went to bed at 930, woke at 2 hurting bad, we got her a dose of motrin and got her back to sleep (took about 40 minutes). She is still asleep now though. I am hoping with this much sleep that we will have a much better day today. I pray that the healing will be speedy and she will be back to normal soon!!
While I am somewhat flattered that she wanted me over daddy at night, by the time yesterday afternoon rolled around, I told Chris it was his turn and I needed a break. I was pooped. Between her being tired from the night before as well as her just being a two year old, I was going bonkers!!!! It shouldn’t take 5 attempts to get her to take some medicine that she normally likes. After she stands in the tub, slips and hits her lip on the side of the tub, she should understand why mom is telling her to sit down. I shouldn’t have to ask if she needs me to smack her bottom and she tells me yes. And then as soon as that happens, give me another attitude thing that she knows isn’t acceptable and instantly covers her mouth so she doesn’t get in trouble for that as well. She shouldn’t need a shower 10 minutes after she takes a bath because she is sticky from spitting medicine everywhere in a fit. It shouldn’t be a battle to get dressed. There are all of these “shouldn’t’s that happened yesterday. It was exhausting.
It is 1130 not and she is still sleeping. She went to bed at 930, woke at 2 hurting bad, we got her a dose of motrin and got her back to sleep (took about 40 minutes). She is still asleep now though. I am hoping with this much sleep that we will have a much better day today. I pray that the healing will be speedy and she will be back to normal soon!!
half helpers
Half helping doesn’t help me out much. My husband, whom I love dearly half helps a lot of times and doesn’t get it when I get frazzled with his half helping. Here is an example of half helping.
Cailin has been feeling rotten while recovering from surgery. I understand that she hurts and she doesn’t know exactly how to express it. I had 2 loads of laundry to run that day. I got the second load into the washer and the first into the dryer and that was about it. When I do my laundry, I like to take things out of the washer and into the dryer, then out of the dryer a few items at a time and fold them or hang them up as I go. I try to get the dryer as soon as it finishes so things don’t get wrinkled. When I fold things, I fold them and separate into piles on top of the washer and dryer and move to appropriate rooms when they are all folded. This particular day, Chris came home from work. He half helped by taking the clothes out of the dryer, throwing them in a pile on top the washer and dryer and putting the stuff from the washer into the dryer. That was it. He didn’t offer to help fold the stuff on the washer. 2 days later, I get a break to finish laundry. I find the stuff that is piled on the washer waiting to be folded is mostly Chris’s work clothes, and a few of Cailin’s things. Since he half helped and took them out and threw them in a big pile, my options were to lug out my iron and ironing board and press all of his work clothes so they look nice for him to wear to work, or just throw them back in the washer and start the whole process over again. I opted for the 2nd because I hate ironing. There were some stuff that I could fold, however, I had no where to put everything as I folded them because the top of the washer and dryer were covered with all the clothes.
While I appreciate his ‘helping’, it would be better if he didn’t half help. Things would get done faster, things wouldn’t be laying around. The same is when he will take dishes to the sink, and not rinse them off, or not put them in the empty dishwasher. Cheese sauce is a pain in the arse to scrub off a plate or bowl once it has dried. So is French onion dip. I am not a fan of using my fingernails to scrub dried on food off dishes because someone can’t rinse them off. While I am on the topic of dishes, seriously, what is the deal with putting your dirty dishes on the counter on TOP of the dishwasher instead of in the dish washer. You are already right there, open the door and put them in!!! It isn’t that hard.
I now face the dilemma of Do I say gee honey, thanks for helping with laundry since he did take stuff out of the dryer and move more into the dryer? Do I tell him that his helping isn’t helping and risk that he doesn’t do a single thing any more? Do I put clothes that he puts on the dryer on hangers and let him wear it wrinkled and not say a word and let him figure it out? What’s a girl to do?
Do you have ‘half helpers’ in your house?
Cailin has been feeling rotten while recovering from surgery. I understand that she hurts and she doesn’t know exactly how to express it. I had 2 loads of laundry to run that day. I got the second load into the washer and the first into the dryer and that was about it. When I do my laundry, I like to take things out of the washer and into the dryer, then out of the dryer a few items at a time and fold them or hang them up as I go. I try to get the dryer as soon as it finishes so things don’t get wrinkled. When I fold things, I fold them and separate into piles on top of the washer and dryer and move to appropriate rooms when they are all folded. This particular day, Chris came home from work. He half helped by taking the clothes out of the dryer, throwing them in a pile on top the washer and dryer and putting the stuff from the washer into the dryer. That was it. He didn’t offer to help fold the stuff on the washer. 2 days later, I get a break to finish laundry. I find the stuff that is piled on the washer waiting to be folded is mostly Chris’s work clothes, and a few of Cailin’s things. Since he half helped and took them out and threw them in a big pile, my options were to lug out my iron and ironing board and press all of his work clothes so they look nice for him to wear to work, or just throw them back in the washer and start the whole process over again. I opted for the 2nd because I hate ironing. There were some stuff that I could fold, however, I had no where to put everything as I folded them because the top of the washer and dryer were covered with all the clothes.
While I appreciate his ‘helping’, it would be better if he didn’t half help. Things would get done faster, things wouldn’t be laying around. The same is when he will take dishes to the sink, and not rinse them off, or not put them in the empty dishwasher. Cheese sauce is a pain in the arse to scrub off a plate or bowl once it has dried. So is French onion dip. I am not a fan of using my fingernails to scrub dried on food off dishes because someone can’t rinse them off. While I am on the topic of dishes, seriously, what is the deal with putting your dirty dishes on the counter on TOP of the dishwasher instead of in the dish washer. You are already right there, open the door and put them in!!! It isn’t that hard.
I now face the dilemma of Do I say gee honey, thanks for helping with laundry since he did take stuff out of the dryer and move more into the dryer? Do I tell him that his helping isn’t helping and risk that he doesn’t do a single thing any more? Do I put clothes that he puts on the dryer on hangers and let him wear it wrinkled and not say a word and let him figure it out? What’s a girl to do?
Do you have ‘half helpers’ in your house?
Friday, April 11, 2008
messed up
Ahh, it's that time of year again! The treas are starting to bud out, the frogs are chirping at night, a warm breeze blows through the house and the birds are chirping at your window... AT THE CRACK OF DAWN!!! Not just chirping, but pecking, trying to get the attention of the bird in the window who they are too dumb to figure out is themselves. Birds need to learn about reflections! For the last week, the sun is at an angle in the morning and evenings that there is apparently a life-like reflection on the outside of the glass. We have 3-4 birds at the livingroom windows pecting the windows almost non-stop all morning long. This starts as soon as the sun comes up!!
Don't get me wrong, I love nature, however, I also enjoy sleeping... especially when I am up all night long. I can't wait for the sun's angle to change just a touch more so the birds will find a real bird to peck on instead of my windows in the morning!!
Don't get me wrong, I love nature, however, I also enjoy sleeping... especially when I am up all night long. I can't wait for the sun's angle to change just a touch more so the birds will find a real bird to peck on instead of my windows in the morning!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Cailin’s Surgery
I tried to get my cleaning done on Tuesday because I knew this week would be hectic. Cailin’s surgery was Wednesday. I went to bed around midnight but I didn’t sleep well. Seriously, how many moms sleep well the night before their child has surgery?
Well before the crack of dawn (5am), the alarm clock began to ring. I was already awake unfortunately. I stumbled down the steps and got my clothes. They were still down on the dryer from being folded last night. I let the dogs out to potty, and went back upstairs to get dressed. By the time 5:30 rolled around, I was dressed, and ready to go. Chris has his shower and was moving the car seat from the truck to the car. I didn’t want to wake up my sleeping girl by turning on the light in her room, so I turned on the bathroom lights and opened her door. Of course she was sleeping so soundly… against the wall. I moved her to the end of the bed and planned to change her without waking her too much. As soon as I touched her though, she was up. She needed to potty. She pottied and when I told her we needed to get dressed, she said she was “poop-nin”. I gave her a few minutes to go, but she didn’t. When I tried to get her up, she again told me she was “poop-nin”. I got her dressed and hair combed while she sat on the potty… and did nothing.
Cailin wanted to hold my hand while we were in the car. Once we got to the hospital, Chris dropped me of at the door and I took the bags and the paperwork in to check in while Chris parked the car and brought in Cailin. I should have waited with Chris. They didn’t do any check in at the desk. They took us into a room right away. There were two waiting room chairs and then a big huge recliner. After about 2 minutes, someone came in to do all of our paperwork. Cailin sat on daddy’s lap while I sat in a regular chair and signed everything.
Before I go any further, I have to tell you, this is NOT a children’s hospital. With that in mind, with the area where we were, you would have thought that it was. They were FABULOUS! KUDO’s to everyone working there. Not only did the work hard to make Cailin feel at ease, they made mom and dad much more comfortable too.
The lady that was doing all of our paperwork had an ID bracelet for Cailin to go on her ankle. We all made such a big fuss that she got a special bracelet. She loved it. This hospital worker left and in came a RN. She introduced herself to Chris and I and then she stooped down to Cailin’s level and greeted her as well. She let Chris and I know what to expect for the day, and she told Cailin what was going to happen… however, it was a much more vague description for Cailin. Instead of saying surgery, she told Cailin she was going to visit Dr. Walker. That kind of thing. When ever we had to do something with Cailin, such as checking height, weight, oxygen saturation, and such, the nurse always started with Daddy trying it, then it was mommy’s turn, then it was Cailin’s turn. This was she wasn’t afraid by the time it was her turn. Cailin thought it was great that she could make the SpO2 meter beep with her thumb and the nurse let her push the buttons on it. Next came in the anesthesiologist. He asked Cailin if he could listen to her chest to hear her heart. She sat so still for him! He told us she would get a sedative while she was sitting with us, then we would move to a kind of holding area. From there, when she was significantly calmer, they would take her to the surgery suite, play with the masks and after 2-3 breaths of the bubblegum flavored gas, she would be asleep enough to start an IV and get her intubated and ready for the surgery itself. Dr. Walker is known for being one of the best doctors in the area for her field. She is also one of the fastest. The anesthesiologist told us that it would take about 30 minutes from the time they separated Cailin from us to the time she comes off anesthesia. It would take just a few minutes to wake up, and then most kids normally fall back asleep. They stay in a highly monitored area for this part. When she wakes again, then she will be moved to a recovery room and we will be taken to her.
A nurse came in next with the sedative. She told us that some kids fall asleep, some get giggly, and some get glassy-eyed. It depends child to child. Cailin opted for #3. She was soo spaced out. They moved us to the holding room. There was a window to the nurses’ station so they could monitor everyone. They had mats and bean bags on the floor for bigger kids that might want to get all stretched out. Cailin started slurring her words so much. She sounded like she had a few too many drinks! She watched the Disney channel and tried to talk to daddy, but we didn’t understand much. Finally (5-10 minutes later), it was Cailin’s turn. They have wagons with blankets and pillows in them for the kids to ride in back to the surgery area. Cailin loved the wagon ride. We get to the end of the hall and they have hugs and kisses corner. We gave our lovin and told Cailin we would see her soon. The nurse told us that she could take one of her animals that we brought with us back to surgery with her so she wouldn’t be so frightened.
As soon as she went through the doors, another nurse greeted us and took us to the family waiting area. We asked if we could go eat. We were in the cafeteria for about 15 minutes, and then waited maybe 10 more minutes. Our names were called. They told us that Cailin was out of surgery and to go around the corner to wait for Dr. Walker to come out and talk to us. Dr. Walker came out with an elephant beanie baby. She said that everything went really well with surgery. In the state between coming out of anesthesia and falling back asleep, she got to pick out a beanie baby and she chose the elephant. She was a trooper. We sat back down in the waiting area and waited for Cailin to wake before she was moved to a recovery room.
We were told that for her to go home today, she needed to be drinking on her own and have at least one wet diaper, or successful trip to the potty. After waiting 20 more minutes from talking to the doctor, they sent us on the way to Cailin’s room. She was in a chair on a nurse’s lap sobbing slightly and hugging her wolf in one hand and a sippy cup of apple juice and ice in the other hand. I climbed up onto the bed and Cailin was placed in my lap. She cried. She cried hard. It broke my heart. I knew she was hurting and there was nothing that I could do about it. In between sobs, she was drinking her apple juice though. I didn’t expect that so early!!! A nurse brought in some Motrin for her and she gobbled that down and calmed down a little bit. It took her a good hour to calm down significantly. She fell asleep. She woke close to lunch time and told us she needed to potty. We unplugged her IV pump from the wall and she went to potty in the bathroom. We went back in the room and she didn’t want to sit on the bed any more. For lunch, she had chocolate pudding, chocolate ice cream, macaroni and cheese and mashed potatoes. She finished a 2nd cup of juice. This was at 12:30. She still wanted to wander in the room, and then tried to go out in the hallway. We had the door closed, but she learned how to open them pretty fast. The IV pump began to beep low battery, but we couldn’t plug it in and keep her still enough. I had to talk to the nurse about this.
She told me that the IV had to stay in as long as we were in the hospital. I told her what was going on. She said she would be in shortly. About 2-3 minutes later, she came in, took the IV out of Cailin’s hand, and then told us we were set and could go home. That was good news. I wanted out of there as soon as possible.
On the way out the door, Cailin noticed cookies on the lunch tray and asked for them. She ate those in the car on the way home and didn’t complain about it hurting one bit.
We got home and she played for about 40 minutes then got a bit fussy. Cailin and I lay down and took a nap for an hour. She woke up crying because she hurt. It was 30 minutes away from a dose of Motrin, but I gave it to her anyway. 10 minutes later, she was showing me how she could jump, and build with blocks, and color, and play play dough. She drank more of her apple juice.
At one point, she found the other apple juice container and asked for it. I told her that is what was in her cup already. “No momma, this one. This one… mate brooat allll betteeerrrrr”. She sure knows how to work the system. She is still talking like she is drunk, but I know her throat is pretty messed up right now.
I am hoping she will get a good night’s rest, and so will Chris and I. She had last dose of meds at 7:30, and went to bed at 8:30. It is 9:30 now and I am going to join Chris in a nice snooze in our bed. I don’t know if Cailin will wake in the night needing more medicine or not. I hope she feels okay enough to get the rest that she needs. Dr. Walker told us the hardest part of this surgery is going to be once we get home. Wish us luck.
I am so thankful that so far, things have gone as well as they have. I am so thankful that the staff at the hospital work so hard to keep the kids and the parents at ease. I am so thankful that we get to sleep in our own bed tonight!!! God is good to us!!!
Well before the crack of dawn (5am), the alarm clock began to ring. I was already awake unfortunately. I stumbled down the steps and got my clothes. They were still down on the dryer from being folded last night. I let the dogs out to potty, and went back upstairs to get dressed. By the time 5:30 rolled around, I was dressed, and ready to go. Chris has his shower and was moving the car seat from the truck to the car. I didn’t want to wake up my sleeping girl by turning on the light in her room, so I turned on the bathroom lights and opened her door. Of course she was sleeping so soundly… against the wall. I moved her to the end of the bed and planned to change her without waking her too much. As soon as I touched her though, she was up. She needed to potty. She pottied and when I told her we needed to get dressed, she said she was “poop-nin”. I gave her a few minutes to go, but she didn’t. When I tried to get her up, she again told me she was “poop-nin”. I got her dressed and hair combed while she sat on the potty… and did nothing.
Cailin wanted to hold my hand while we were in the car. Once we got to the hospital, Chris dropped me of at the door and I took the bags and the paperwork in to check in while Chris parked the car and brought in Cailin. I should have waited with Chris. They didn’t do any check in at the desk. They took us into a room right away. There were two waiting room chairs and then a big huge recliner. After about 2 minutes, someone came in to do all of our paperwork. Cailin sat on daddy’s lap while I sat in a regular chair and signed everything.
Before I go any further, I have to tell you, this is NOT a children’s hospital. With that in mind, with the area where we were, you would have thought that it was. They were FABULOUS! KUDO’s to everyone working there. Not only did the work hard to make Cailin feel at ease, they made mom and dad much more comfortable too.
The lady that was doing all of our paperwork had an ID bracelet for Cailin to go on her ankle. We all made such a big fuss that she got a special bracelet. She loved it. This hospital worker left and in came a RN. She introduced herself to Chris and I and then she stooped down to Cailin’s level and greeted her as well. She let Chris and I know what to expect for the day, and she told Cailin what was going to happen… however, it was a much more vague description for Cailin. Instead of saying surgery, she told Cailin she was going to visit Dr. Walker. That kind of thing. When ever we had to do something with Cailin, such as checking height, weight, oxygen saturation, and such, the nurse always started with Daddy trying it, then it was mommy’s turn, then it was Cailin’s turn. This was she wasn’t afraid by the time it was her turn. Cailin thought it was great that she could make the SpO2 meter beep with her thumb and the nurse let her push the buttons on it. Next came in the anesthesiologist. He asked Cailin if he could listen to her chest to hear her heart. She sat so still for him! He told us she would get a sedative while she was sitting with us, then we would move to a kind of holding area. From there, when she was significantly calmer, they would take her to the surgery suite, play with the masks and after 2-3 breaths of the bubblegum flavored gas, she would be asleep enough to start an IV and get her intubated and ready for the surgery itself. Dr. Walker is known for being one of the best doctors in the area for her field. She is also one of the fastest. The anesthesiologist told us that it would take about 30 minutes from the time they separated Cailin from us to the time she comes off anesthesia. It would take just a few minutes to wake up, and then most kids normally fall back asleep. They stay in a highly monitored area for this part. When she wakes again, then she will be moved to a recovery room and we will be taken to her.
A nurse came in next with the sedative. She told us that some kids fall asleep, some get giggly, and some get glassy-eyed. It depends child to child. Cailin opted for #3. She was soo spaced out. They moved us to the holding room. There was a window to the nurses’ station so they could monitor everyone. They had mats and bean bags on the floor for bigger kids that might want to get all stretched out. Cailin started slurring her words so much. She sounded like she had a few too many drinks! She watched the Disney channel and tried to talk to daddy, but we didn’t understand much. Finally (5-10 minutes later), it was Cailin’s turn. They have wagons with blankets and pillows in them for the kids to ride in back to the surgery area. Cailin loved the wagon ride. We get to the end of the hall and they have hugs and kisses corner. We gave our lovin and told Cailin we would see her soon. The nurse told us that she could take one of her animals that we brought with us back to surgery with her so she wouldn’t be so frightened.
As soon as she went through the doors, another nurse greeted us and took us to the family waiting area. We asked if we could go eat. We were in the cafeteria for about 15 minutes, and then waited maybe 10 more minutes. Our names were called. They told us that Cailin was out of surgery and to go around the corner to wait for Dr. Walker to come out and talk to us. Dr. Walker came out with an elephant beanie baby. She said that everything went really well with surgery. In the state between coming out of anesthesia and falling back asleep, she got to pick out a beanie baby and she chose the elephant. She was a trooper. We sat back down in the waiting area and waited for Cailin to wake before she was moved to a recovery room.
We were told that for her to go home today, she needed to be drinking on her own and have at least one wet diaper, or successful trip to the potty. After waiting 20 more minutes from talking to the doctor, they sent us on the way to Cailin’s room. She was in a chair on a nurse’s lap sobbing slightly and hugging her wolf in one hand and a sippy cup of apple juice and ice in the other hand. I climbed up onto the bed and Cailin was placed in my lap. She cried. She cried hard. It broke my heart. I knew she was hurting and there was nothing that I could do about it. In between sobs, she was drinking her apple juice though. I didn’t expect that so early!!! A nurse brought in some Motrin for her and she gobbled that down and calmed down a little bit. It took her a good hour to calm down significantly. She fell asleep. She woke close to lunch time and told us she needed to potty. We unplugged her IV pump from the wall and she went to potty in the bathroom. We went back in the room and she didn’t want to sit on the bed any more. For lunch, she had chocolate pudding, chocolate ice cream, macaroni and cheese and mashed potatoes. She finished a 2nd cup of juice. This was at 12:30. She still wanted to wander in the room, and then tried to go out in the hallway. We had the door closed, but she learned how to open them pretty fast. The IV pump began to beep low battery, but we couldn’t plug it in and keep her still enough. I had to talk to the nurse about this.
She told me that the IV had to stay in as long as we were in the hospital. I told her what was going on. She said she would be in shortly. About 2-3 minutes later, she came in, took the IV out of Cailin’s hand, and then told us we were set and could go home. That was good news. I wanted out of there as soon as possible.
On the way out the door, Cailin noticed cookies on the lunch tray and asked for them. She ate those in the car on the way home and didn’t complain about it hurting one bit.
We got home and she played for about 40 minutes then got a bit fussy. Cailin and I lay down and took a nap for an hour. She woke up crying because she hurt. It was 30 minutes away from a dose of Motrin, but I gave it to her anyway. 10 minutes later, she was showing me how she could jump, and build with blocks, and color, and play play dough. She drank more of her apple juice.
At one point, she found the other apple juice container and asked for it. I told her that is what was in her cup already. “No momma, this one. This one… mate brooat allll betteeerrrrr”. She sure knows how to work the system. She is still talking like she is drunk, but I know her throat is pretty messed up right now.
I am hoping she will get a good night’s rest, and so will Chris and I. She had last dose of meds at 7:30, and went to bed at 8:30. It is 9:30 now and I am going to join Chris in a nice snooze in our bed. I don’t know if Cailin will wake in the night needing more medicine or not. I hope she feels okay enough to get the rest that she needs. Dr. Walker told us the hardest part of this surgery is going to be once we get home. Wish us luck.
I am so thankful that so far, things have gone as well as they have. I am so thankful that the staff at the hospital work so hard to keep the kids and the parents at ease. I am so thankful that we get to sleep in our own bed tonight!!! God is good to us!!!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Watches again
I need opinions... I want something that I can wear for every day, as well as something that I can dress up... I like the Eco-drive by citizen. Here are 3 that I like... I am well aware of exactly how similar these three watches are, but please tell me your opinion on which you like best...
Watch #1.

Watch #2.

Watch #3.
Watch #1.

Watch #2.

Watch #3.

Cailin has a new habit of biting. I don't like it. To try to curb this habit, i smack her mouth when she does it... I don't do it hard, but enough to make her stop. She normally cries because i damaged her pride. I DO think her biting is related to her cutting her last two molars... Anyway, Friday, she bit my shoulder, my arm, my wrist, my finger and told me she wanted to nurse which I veto'd so fast for 2 reasons...
1. I didn't want her to bite my boob
2. She is done nursing.
Anyway, Friday night, I must have had "IDIOT" tatooed on my forehead. Cailin comes to me and gives me her finger. She tried to shove it into my mouth. I asked her what she was doing. Her reply...
Mommy bite finger, I mack yo mout... as she makes a smacking motion...
I don't think so!!!! At least she knows what the consequences will be.
1. I didn't want her to bite my boob
2. She is done nursing.
Anyway, Friday night, I must have had "IDIOT" tatooed on my forehead. Cailin comes to me and gives me her finger. She tried to shove it into my mouth. I asked her what she was doing. Her reply...
Mommy bite finger, I mack yo mout... as she makes a smacking motion...
I don't think so!!!! At least she knows what the consequences will be.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Last night, Cailin got what I affectionately call a snot-sucker out of the bathroom. She had me sit down and put a hand on my forehead. "Dit Still momma". Okay, I'll sit still... she got the snot sucker and jabbed it up my nose. I asked what she was doing. "Dit buuugers momma, dit Buuugers". Glad to see she watches everything!!!
She grabbed Chris's hand one day and she used her fingers to pretend they were nail clippers. She holds chris's hand and kept saying 'snip, snip' and with each snip, she would wipe her hand on her pants like i would wipe her clippers on my lap.
She grabbed Chris's hand one day and she used her fingers to pretend they were nail clippers. She holds chris's hand and kept saying 'snip, snip' and with each snip, she would wipe her hand on her pants like i would wipe her clippers on my lap.
Silly Mom
A few days ago, Cailin had a small box of goldfish. She also had a small stuffed puppy. She kept putting the puppie's nose into the box. The following conversation is what followed:
Mom: Mmmm Cailin, It looks like that puppy likes the goldfish.
Cailin: Yeah Momma!!
Mom: He says "MMM, I love goldfish".
Cailin: No momma, he says woosh woosh (our f's come out like an sh).
Silly me for thinking a puppy could talk!!!
Mom: Mmmm Cailin, It looks like that puppy likes the goldfish.
Cailin: Yeah Momma!!
Mom: He says "MMM, I love goldfish".
Cailin: No momma, he says woosh woosh (our f's come out like an sh).
Silly me for thinking a puppy could talk!!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Cailin Pictures
These are some random pictures that I have taken lately... they are in no particular order.
First, we got a new car. It's a jetta and I LOVE it!!! I told chris that is we could afford it, i would love to get a second one. That way, he can have one to drive to and from work, I can have one to drive around when I need to drive, and we could just use the truck when we need to haul something, or when we need the 4WD. It makes sense... the car gets 35-38 miles per gallon and the truck gets about 14-16. Not to mention it is soo much easier to get in and out of... especially with Cailin... I am dreading using the truck with 2 kids...
Anyway, Here is Cailin helping Daddy put the front lisence plate on our new car.

While I was at the dealership to get the wipers fixed, Cailin decided to test drive an Audi TT Convertable.

Seatbelts Please!

Speaking of driving, Cailin LOVES to drive!!

This is the bed that we are looking at for Cailin.

Easter Pictures
Putting colors on the eggs was fun!! We only cracked ONE egg as we threw it into the cups of colors!!!

She spilled some juice in the car before we were able to take pictures and was changed out of her dress before a nap, so her Easter shots show a sleepy, messy little girl…

Mommy’s helper LOVES to do laundry!!!

Twist ups write on people and paper... so much for keep it on the paper.

Cailin LOVES the cat and always wants him on her lap.

Bath Time! We like to swim in the tub!!

Finger painting is FUN!!! I strip down naked and paint!! Even though the paint is washable, this is safer!

The flooding that we had right before Easter. This is a road with campground on wither side of it as well as Big Spring park… what a mess!!

This is a camp ground believe it or not
First, we got a new car. It's a jetta and I LOVE it!!! I told chris that is we could afford it, i would love to get a second one. That way, he can have one to drive to and from work, I can have one to drive around when I need to drive, and we could just use the truck when we need to haul something, or when we need the 4WD. It makes sense... the car gets 35-38 miles per gallon and the truck gets about 14-16. Not to mention it is soo much easier to get in and out of... especially with Cailin... I am dreading using the truck with 2 kids...
Anyway, Here is Cailin helping Daddy put the front lisence plate on our new car.

While I was at the dealership to get the wipers fixed, Cailin decided to test drive an Audi TT Convertable.

Seatbelts Please!

Speaking of driving, Cailin LOVES to drive!!

This is the bed that we are looking at for Cailin.

Easter Pictures
Putting colors on the eggs was fun!! We only cracked ONE egg as we threw it into the cups of colors!!!

She spilled some juice in the car before we were able to take pictures and was changed out of her dress before a nap, so her Easter shots show a sleepy, messy little girl…

Mommy’s helper LOVES to do laundry!!!

Twist ups write on people and paper... so much for keep it on the paper.

Cailin LOVES the cat and always wants him on her lap.

Bath Time! We like to swim in the tub!!

Finger painting is FUN!!! I strip down naked and paint!! Even though the paint is washable, this is safer!

The flooding that we had right before Easter. This is a road with campground on wither side of it as well as Big Spring park… what a mess!!

This is a camp ground believe it or not

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
My Ray of Sunshine through the clouds!
Oh the weather outside is frightful…
Yesterday we had over a dozen ‘super cell ’ thunderstorms come through our4-state area. It was horrible. We had severe thunderstorms all day long. Twice Joplin had tornado sirens going off and they had to see shelter. Chris said he spent over an hour of his day in a storm shelter at work. His storm shelter was the stairwell. Cailin and I stayed home and didn’t go anywhere till the storms cleared. We started with some cabin fever and ran to the store real quick. Cailin looked SOOO stinkin cute in her little rain coat and froggy umbrella. Here are some shots of her showing off... a pretty smile, and a "Big Girl Smile".
Yesterday we had over a dozen ‘super cell ’ thunderstorms come through our4-state area. It was horrible. We had severe thunderstorms all day long. Twice Joplin had tornado sirens going off and they had to see shelter. Chris said he spent over an hour of his day in a storm shelter at work. His storm shelter was the stairwell. Cailin and I stayed home and didn’t go anywhere till the storms cleared. We started with some cabin fever and ran to the store real quick. Cailin looked SOOO stinkin cute in her little rain coat and froggy umbrella. Here are some shots of her showing off... a pretty smile, and a "Big Girl Smile".

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